一、产品介绍: 标准版型号 ShockMaster 500-I ╚单通道/一把冲击波发射治疗手柄,3个传导子,含一个震动传导子╝ 比利时纯进口 ShockMaster 500 可以装配不同的传导子作治疗。而且ShockMaster 500-II 支援同时连接两把冲击波发射治疗手柄,工作量特别忙的治疗单位可选配两把装上不同传导子的发射治疗手柄,从而省却了更换传导子的时间。 的传导子-V-ACTOR(震动) V-ACTOR震动技术:
功能设计: 比利时纯进口 ShockMaster 500 代表着先进的、优良的技术、用户方便性和现代的设计; 产品特点: ■ 放射状体外冲击波治疗仪主要针对疼痛及骨肌疾病等提供非侵入式的无创 的治疗方案。可用于骨关节慢性疼痛,如骨折不愈合、骨质疏松、肌腱钙化、 软组织损伤性疼痛疾病。 疗头、强度、冲击次数、频率选择;处方支持自定义和保存功能; 寻找佳治疗深度,也便于随时切换治疗头; 35HZ; 主要应用领域:骨科,疼痛科,康复科,运动医疗。 医保收费标准:340100035;省级收费460/次,市级收费400/次,县级收费330/次,纳入报销比例100%。 ShockMaster 500 体外冲击波骨科治疗仪优势: ☆临床研究报告治愈率80-90% 二、 Many years of experience in the world of rehabilitation and physiotherapy have resulted in the successful development of this customized device that is unique in its functionality and usability. The ShockMaster 500 has been developed in close collaboration with the (para) medical world. This unique combination of state-of-the-art technology and an intelligent user interface is an absolute must for every practice. ?Intelligent User interface: Shockwave therapy RSWT (Radial Shockwave Therapy) Radial shockwave therapy is the perfect treatment method for all chronic and complex musculoskeletal conditions. Effects Pain reduction: ?Production of substance P Regeneration of affected tissue: ?Improved blood perfusion and new vascularization Mechanical effects: Breakdown of calcifications and fibroses Benefits ?Success rate of 80% Operational principle ShockMaster Concept Shockwave therapy associated with cryotherapy (thermal shock) improves comfort of the patient, makes the therapy softer and increases the effectiveness.
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